RS Borromeus
  • Call Center : 022-2552000
  • Customer Care Center : 022-82558000

Doctor and Clinic Schedule

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Outpatient Clinic Schedule

MORNING CLINIC Monday – Thursday 07.00 – 14.30 | Friday – Saturday 07.00 – 13.30
AFTERNOON CLINIC Monday – Thursday 14.30 – 20.00 | Saturday 13.30 – 20.00

Doctor's Schedule

We always strive to provide the best health services for every patient through the implementation of health services that prioritize patient safety and recovery in accordance with the values and goals of Santo Borromeus Hospital.

Santo Borromeus Hospital Health Services

Life is God's gift and health is the right of all people, with this Santo Borromeus Hospital is here to provide health services for the community with good quality service. As well as with loyalty and readiness to continue to develop health services for the safety and recovery of patients.


Medical Services

From basic healthcare facilities to specialized care units, RS Santo Borromeus is known as a multi-purpose medical center that continues to grow to meet the demands of the times.


Medical Support

We provide our patients with dedicated spaces to exercise various comforts and provide them with the necessities that keep them going.



We strive to provide comprehensive nursing services that are bio-psycho socio-cultural and spiritual according to patient needs based on the vision, mission and philosophy of nursing and without forgetting the nursing code of ethics.


Saint Borromeus Hospital - Fellowship and Association of THE SOCIETY OF SAINT BORROMEUS